A tamper resistant CCTV system shall be installed, maintained in working order and operated at the premises to the satisfaction of Lincolnshire Police and must be ‘Fit for Purpose’ by complying with the following conditions;
The system shall be used to record during all hours that the premises are open to the public.
Where the recording is on a removable medium (i.e. videotape, compact disc, flash card etc.), a secure storage system to store those recording mediums shall be provided.
The images recorded by the CCTV system shall be retained in unedited form for a period of not less than 28 days and must be endorsed with the accurate relevant time and date.
The system shall be capable of monitoring and recording satisfactory colour images from each and every camera continually e.g. Multiplex facility.
The system must be capable of monitoring and recording entrances and exits, and any areas not easily observed by staff, including access areas to toilet facilities.
The recordings shall be provided to officers of Lincolnshire Police on request.
Officers of the Lincolnshire Police shall be permitted access to the system at any reasonable time.
Signage shall be clearly displayed informing customers that a CCTV system is in operation and recording on the premises.
The dance floor shall be clearly delineated and positioned in such a way as to ensure the safety of persons using the dance floor.
The arrangements for access around the dance floor and for seating in the vicinity of the dance floor shall be such that neither dancers nor patrons are put at risk of physical injury.
A defined area shall be provided for dancing, performances of dance and any entertainment of similar description and this area shall be cleared of all non-permanent fixtures and fittings during the activity.
During any dancing, performances of dance or similar activity, all beer glasses shall be toughened or plastic.
Persons who are dancing in the premises in the designated area shall not continue to consume food or drink of any description, within that designated area.
There shall be clearly displayed signage stating:
‘Persons who are dancing in the premises in the designated area shall not continue to consume food or drink of any description, within that designated area. The Premises Supervisor or his agent is required to enforce this condition’.
Free cold drinking water shall be available at all times on request.
There shall be provided free and unrestricted access to cold drinking water at a location which is readily accessible to customers. The water shall be provided without any charge.
After 1800 hours until closure every day, door supervisors will be provided at the premises and conditions as at ‘A’ will apply.
Prior to 1800 every day, there shall be provided at the premises door supervisors to such a number as the management of the premises consider are sufficient to control the entry of persons to the premises and for the keeping of order in the premises when they are used for the provision of a licensable activity.
On any occasion when door supervisors are provided, the premises will operate in accordance with conditions as at ‘A’.
A - There shall be a minimum of one SIA registered door supervisor inside the building on each floor level where any licensable activity is taking place.
There shall be a minimum of one SIA registered door supervisor in the balcony at all times (as denoted on the premises plan drawing number 2007 - 08/ - 01, dated May 2007 and provided with the licence application) when that area is accessible to the general public/customers/clientele.
There shall be a minimum of 2 SIA registered door supervisors at each entrance to the premises when the premises are being used for any licensable activity.
A record/log book shall be kept on the premises by the Designated Premises Supervisor of every person employed on the premises as a door supervisor.
The record shall contain the following details:-
(i) The door supervisor's name
(ii) His/Her Security Industry Authority Licence Number
(iii) The time and date he/she commenced and concluded their duty
(iv) The door supervisors shall sign each entry
(v) The Designated Premises Supervisor or other authorised person shall also endorse each entry as having checked the authenticity of the individual door supervisor.
That record shall be available for inspection on demand by an Authorised Officer of the Council, the Security Industry Authority or a Police Constable.
Each entry shall be retained for a period of 24 months from date of completion.
Door supervisors will remain outside the premises until after the last customer has left the premises and will assist in their orderly dispersal from the vicinity.
Door supervisors to be positioned at each entrance/exit (other than fire exits) to ensure that no customer leaves with any bottles or glasses.
Door supervisors to control the queue to the premises to ensure that customers are advised of the amount of time they are going to have to wait to gain entry and to prevent any customers who have behaved in such a way as to cause a public nuisance or disturbance from entering the premises.
In order to comply with the venue’s capacity limit a SIA registered security team must be employed to control entry to the premises.
Each door supervisors licence number will be verified by the DPS or their agent using the Internet SIA website, on the occasion of each door supervisors initial employment at the premises. Thereafter a weekly check shall be carried out to ensure the licence status remains unchanged.
This verification check will be recorded and signed appropriately by the DPS or their agent.
The maximum number of persons, including staff and performers, allowed in these premises shall be determined.
The maximum number of persons, including staff and performers allowed on each floor shall be determined.
The maximum numbers determined will not be exceeded.
There shall be an effective system for determining and recording the number of persons on any floor in the premises at any one time when licensable activity is occurring on the premises.
All managerial, supervisory and other persons involved in the monitoring and control of access to the premises will be aware of the occupancy figures for the specific locations in the premises, and will be instructed in the method of action to be taken when such figures are reached in any particular location. This is to be recorded and available for inspection upon request by Police or their authorised agent.
A drugs policy shall be provided to the Police before commencement of trading, which shall as a minimum contain all of the best practices outlined in the guidance published by the Home Office, the London Drug Policy Forum
“Safer Clubbing” and the Lincolnshire Drug and Alcohol Action Team policy for licensed premises(or its alternative document).
All staff will be trained in respect of this policy.
A written record shall be kept detailing the following;
a) Name of the member of staff
b) Name of the trainer
c) Date the training was completed
d) Staff member and trainer to sign the authenticity of the record.
Each entry shall be retained for a period of 24 months from date of completion.
There shall be remedial or refresher training at a time deemed appropriate by the Designated Premises Supervisor.
The Licensed premise and any persons employed in its operation as a licensed premise, shall be subject to such testing or screening for illegal substances as requested by Lincolnshire Police Officers or their authorised agents. Such testing will be intelligence based.
A method of communicating between the local police and other licensed premises by way of text / pager or radio links shall be provided at the premises.
Any text /pager or radio link provided for communication with the local police and other licensed premises shall be kept in good working order at all times.
When the premises are open to the public, the communications link to the local police or other licensed premises shall be switched on and available to and monitored by the Designated Premises Supervisor or a nominated member of staff.
Every incident of crime or disorder in the premises shall be reported via the text / pager or radio link to police by the Designated Premises Supervisor or a nominated member of staff.
A personal licence holder shall be on the premises at all times during which intoxicating liquor is being sold or supplied to customers or consumed by customers, except in the case of an emergency.
Whenever a designated premises supervisor is not at the premises, another individual must be nominated as being the responsible person nominated by the designated premises supervisor to manage the premises and they must have the contact details of the designated premises supervisor.
No person in possession of a drink in a sealed or unsealed container shall be allowed to enter the premises except for the purposes of delivery.
No drink shall be removed from the premises in an unsealed container.
At all times when the premises are used for the purpose of the licence, the licence holder, manager or designated premises supervisor who is responsible for the management of the premises shall at all times be aware of the number of persons on the premises and shall if requested to do so give that information to an authorised person.
Minimum number of staff (excluding door supervisors) required to be on duty on the premises is 2. 1 staff member to 250 members of the public. Plus one additional staff member for each additional 250 (or part thereof). Where there are more than 150 members of the audience in any auditorium or on any floor then at least one staff member shall be present in that auditorium or on that floor.
Where the regulated entertainment at the premises comprises mainly of fast dance music. A "chill room" or "quiet area" shall be provided at the premises and shall have a free and easily accessible supply of drinking water and shall be supervised by a qualified First Aider.
All point of sale staff shall undergo training in the above policy with a record kept of the date of training, signed by the member of staff and the trainer.
Each entry shall be retained for a period of 24 months from date of completion.
This record shall be made available for inspection by Lincolnshire Police Officers or other parties acting on their behalf.
A notice or notices shall be displayed in and at the entrance to the premises where they can be clearly seen and read and shall indicate;
a) That it is unlawful for persons under 18 to purchase alcohol or for any person to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person under 18 years of age.
b) That proof of age may be requested at the premises and those accepted means for proof of age listed.
On the occasion of any function at the premises specifically for teenage persons or where the majority of those persons attending will be teenagers, the premises will operate the following:
At least 2 SIA registered door supervisors will be provided at the premises to control the entry of persons to the premises and for the keeping of order in the premises and will remain on the premises in the capacity of door supervisor until the last customer has left.
The function will be notified to Lincolnshire Police Licensing Office, West Parade, Lincoln, LN1 1YP, giving at least 10 police working days notice of the event.
Admittance to private teenage functions shall be by means of invitation only. A list of guests shall be forwarded to the Designated Premises Supervisor prior to the event, and invitations produced on the night to ensure access to the event.
Where the audience in any floor, tier or auditorium consists mainly of persons under 16 years of age each unaccompanied by a parent/guardian, there shall be in attendance the number of adult staff members as set out below and those staff shall be instructed as to their essential responsibilities in the event of a fire or other emergency and account shall be taken of the attendance of disabled persons and children.
Details of such instructions shall be recorded in a logbook kept for that purpose.
Minimum number of staff members on duty on the premises (or in any auditorium, or on any floor or tier). 1 to 50 members of the audience. Plus one additional staff member for each additional 50 or part of 50 members of the audience present. Plus, one additional staff member where the audience is above the lowest floor of the premises.