a) General
Full alarm system with panic buttons, CCTV system with recording facilities, fully trained staff with recorded ongoing training regime, challenge 21 & PASS accredited proof of age initiative embraced, refusals book, inshore signage, spirits display located behind counter, checkout manned at all times.
b) The prevention of crime & disorder
Full alarm systems with panic buttons, checkout manned at all times. CCTV system with record facility, instore signage, access can be controlled into the premises at staff discretion by means of electronic shunt locks fitted to the shop door. Spirits are to be located behind the counter.
c) Public Safety
Staff trained in fire safety & evacuation procedures. Fire safety equipment located on site with staff trained in its use.
d) The prevention of public nuisance
Staff trained to deal with situations, panic buttons.
e) The protection of children from harm
Staff fully trained in alcohol sales with ongoing refresher training, challenge 21 & PASS accredited proof of age scheme, instore signage, refusals book, spirits to be located behind counter.