Sales of alcohol for consumption on the premises only.
Substantial food shall be available at all times premises are open.
Non-alcoholic drinks, including clean drinking water, shall be available at all times.
Staff will be trained in all aspects of Licensing requirements, health and safety matters and drug awareness.
Function room to be used for the sale of alcohol only at bona fide private functions or in connection with the provision of regulated entertainment such as performance of a play or live music.
Prevention of Crime and Disorder
Alcohol to be kept in secured storage.
A notice shall be displayed at the entrance to the premise advising that CCTV is in operation.
The CCTV system installed shall be maintained in working order and operated at the premises in liaison with and to the satisfaction of Lincolnshire Police and shall be used to record during all hours that the premises are open to the public.
Where the recording is on a removable medium (i.e. videotape, compact disc, flash card etc.), a secure storage system to store those recording mediums shall be provided.
The images recorded by the CCTV system shall be retained in unedited form for a period of not less than 28 days.
Any outside area used for the consumption of alcohol shall be fully covered by a CCTV to the satisfaction of Lincolnshire Police.
All CCTV recordings must be made available to Lincolnshire Police on request.
The licence holder shall implement a written children's policy.
Public Safety
Exit doors to be regularly checked to ensure that they function satisfactorily. Records of these checks shall be maintained.
All fire doors will not be held open other than by approved devices.
Notices detailing the actions in the event of fire to be prominently displayed.
An evacuation policy shall be put in place.
Adequate and appropriate first aid equipment will be available on the premises.
Any hangings, curtains or scenery will be flame-retardant.
The use of special effects is not permitted without the written consent of the Licensing Authority.
The ‘safe capacity’ figure for the premises including staff and performers shall be determined by the applicant based upon their own risk assessment, that figure shall be recorded in writing and made available to Police Officers, Licensing Officers or other responsible body on request.
A defined area shall be provided for dancing, performances of dance and any entertainment of similar description and this area shall be cleared of all non-permanent fixtures and fittings during the activity.
During any dancing, performances of dance or similar activity, all beer glasses shall be toughened or plastic.
Persons who are dancing in the premises in the designated area shall not continue to consume food or drink of any description or possess any lighted cigarette, cigar or object of a similar nature, within that designated area.
There shall be clearly displayed signage stating,
'Persons who are dancing in the premises in the designated area shall not continue to consume food or drink of any description or possess any lighted cigarette, cigar or object of a similar nature, within that designated area. The Premises Supervisor or his agent is required to enforce this condition’.
Real or artificial smoke shall not be produced in the premises.
Free cold drinking water shall be available at all times on request.
Prevention of Public Nuisance
Noise from amplified music shall not cause a nuisance to local residents. If complaints are received, records shall be kept along with the actions taken to resolve the matters. These records shall be made available for inspection on demand by the Licensing Authority.
Odour from ventilation and cooking shall not cause a nuisance to neighbouring properties.
Entertainment is to be held internally and amplified music shall not be relayed externally without the prior written consent of the licensing authority.
Doors and windows to remain shut during live or recorded music unless strictly necessary for ingress and egress.
Protection of Children form Harm
Children shall only be allowed on the premises if they are accompanied by an adult.
A wooden floored play/families area shall be available until 21:00 where children are on the premises - no alcohol will be allowed in this area whilst it is in use for children.
Children will only be allowed on the premises until 21:00 unless attending a play, musical event, film or private function in the function room.
A suitably-sized no smoking area shall be available.
There shall be in place for the premises a written policy to prevent the sale or supply of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age. That policy shall require any person who appears to be under the age of 18 years to produce one of the following forms of identification:
- a recognised proof of age card accredited under the British Retail Consortiums Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS)
- photo driving licence
- passport
- Citizen card supported by the Home Office
- Portman Prove It card
- Any other means approved and accredited by Lincoln Police Licensing Office.
All point of sale staff shall undergo training in the above policy with a record kept of the date of training, signed by the member of staff and the trainer.
This record shall be made available for inspection by Lincolnshire Police Officers or other parties acting on their behalf.
A notice or notices shall be displayed in and at the entrance to the premises where they can be clearly seen and read and shall indicate;
a) That it is unlawful for persons under 18 to purchase alcohol or for any person to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person under 18 years of age.
b) That proof of age may be requested at the premises and those accepted means for proof of age listed.
Military Identification Cards are not accepted or accredited as a means for proof of age.
Refused sales to be recorded in a refusals book. Where possible, the parents of the children living on or near the base shall be informed.
No sales can be made by staff members under the age of 18. Tills will not allow the sale without the input of an ID code from a supervisor or manager over the age of 18.