Signage to be displayed requesting customers to be considerate when leaving the premise.
No under 16's permitted on the premise unless accompanied by an adult.
There must be provided at the premises door supervisors to such a number as the management of the premises consider are sufficient to control the entry of persons to the premises and for the keeping of order in the premises when they are used for the provision of regulated entertainment/a licensable activity.
A record/log book must be kept on the premises by the Designated Premises Supervisor of every person employed on the premises as a door supervisor.
The record must contain the following details:-
(i) Door supervisor's name;
(ii) His/Her Security Industry Authority Licence Number
(iii) The time and date he/she commenced and concluded their duty
(iv) The door supervisors shall sign each entry
(v) The Designated Premises Supervisor or other authorised person shall also endorse each entry as having checked the authenticity of the individual door supervisor.
That record must be available for inspection on demand by an Authorised Officer of the Council, the Security Industry Authority or a Police Constable.
Each entry must be retained for a period of 24 months from date of completion.
Door supervisors should be positioned at each entrance/exit (other than fire exits) to ensure that no customer leaves with any bottles or glasses or food any container/or wrapper.
Each Door supervisors licence number must be verified by the DPS or their agent using the Internet SIA website, on each occasion of the door supervisors employment at the premises.
This verification check should be recorded and signed appropriately by the DPS or their agent.
A defined area must be provided for dancing, performances of dance and any entertainment of similar description and this area shall be cleared of all non-permanent fixtures and fittings during the activity.
During any dancing, performances of dance or similar activity, all beer glasses must be toughened or plastic.
Persons who are dancing in the premises in the designated area must not continue to consume food or drink of any description within that designated area.
There must be clearly displayed signage stating,
’ Persons who are dancing in the premises in the designated area must not continue to consume food or drink of any description within that designated area. The Premises Supervisor or his agent is required to enforce this condition’.
Free cold drinking water must be available at all times on request.
There must be a written drugs policy for the premises, all staff to be trained in respect of this policy, a written record to be kept detailing the following;
a) Name of the member of staff
b) Name of the Trainer
c) Date the Training was completed
d) Staff member and trainer to sign the authenticity of the record.
Each entry must be retained for a period of 24 months from date of completion.
There shall be remedial or refresher training at a time deemed appropriate by the Designated Premises Supervisor.
The Licensed premise and any persons employed in its operation as a licensed premise, shall be subject to such testing or screening for illegal substances as requested by Lincolnshire Police Officers or their authorised agents.
Proof of age
There must be in place for the premises a written policy to prevent the sale or supply of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age.
That policy shall require any person who appears to be under the age of 21 years to produce one of the following forms of identification:
A recognised proof of age card accredited under the British Retail Consortiums Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS)
British Photo driving licence
Any other means of identification approved and accredited in writing by Lincoln Police Licensing Office.
All point of sale staff must undergo training in the above policy with a record kept of the date of training, signed by the member of staff and the trainer.
Each entry to be retained for a period of 24 months from date of completion.
This record must be made available for inspection by Lincolnshire Police Officers or other parties acting on their behalf.
A notice or notices must be displayed in and at the entrance to the premises where they can be clearly seen and read and shall indicate;
a) That it is unlawful for persons under 18 to purchase alcohol or for any person to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person under 18 years of age.
b) That proof of age may be requested at the premises and those accepted means for proof of age listed as at 1. above.
A refusal register must be maintained on the premises, the register to be in a bound pages format with each page consecutively numbered, each entry to be timed, dated and signed by staff member making the refusal.
Any CCTV evidence to be retained and cross-referenced to the specific refusal, description or name of refused person, each entry to be dated and signed by DPS/Manager/Supervisor, the item attempted to purchase, reason for refusal.
The register must be retained for period of 24 months and be produced on request from an Officer from Lincolnshire Police, Trading Standards or the Local Licensing Authority. Each entry must be retained for a period of 24 months from date of completion.