Prevention of Crime & Disorder
Remain an active member of the Local Pub Watch Scheme
Door staff used must be SIA registered
Amnesty box must be available at all times at the entrance
Public Safety
Occupancy figures to be observed as per letter dated 7 March 2006 from Lincolnshire Fire & rescue
Comply at all times with Fire Safety Regulations
Full CCTV coverage to be operational with link to town CCTV
Prevention of Public Nuisance
No admission of people under the influence of drink
No sales to people under the influence of drink
Protection of Children from Harm
Children not allowed on premises, policy in place
No person under the age of 18 years shall be permitted on the premises when they are being used for the purposes of the supply of alcohol and/or the provision of regulated entertainment.
There shall be in place for the premises a written policy to prevent the sale or supply of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age. That policy shall require any person who appears to be under the age of 18 years to produce one of the following forms of identification:
1 a recognised proof of age card accredited under the British Retail Consortiums Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS)
2 photo driving licence
3 passport
4 citizen card supported by the Home Office
5 Portman Group 'Prove it' card
6 Any other means approved and accredited by Lincolnshire Police
A notice or notices shall be displayed in and at the entrance to the premises where they can be clearly seen and read and shall indicate:
i) that is it unlawful for persons under 18 to purchase alcohol or for any person to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person under 18 years of age
ii) that proof of age may be requested at the premises and the following forms of identification shall be acceptable:
a) Photocard Drivers Licence
b) Passport
c) United Kingdom 'PASS' Hologram Accredited Age Identification Card with photo (including Portman, Connexions card and Citizencard)
d) any other locally approved scheme in consultation with Lincolnshire Police