One or more Personal Licence Holders will be in attendance at each event.
Village Hall personnel serving alcohol will be trained internally on a package provided by the Federation of Licensed Victualers. Training will be undertaken by a Personnel Licence Holder and recorded.
All functions where alcohol will be sold are to be recorded by the Village Hall Committee and indications made whether a Temporary Event Notice has been requested. If a Temporary Event Notice has been requested, the village hall booking clerk will need to be made aware of when confirmation has been received from the West Lindsey District Council Licensing committee.
Sufficient toilet facilities are available for the number of attendees quoted.
Access and toilet facilities for the disabled are also available.
All waste bottles, cans and other recyclable material will be deposed of in the appropriate containers held both on or in the immediate vicinity of the premises.
Prevention of Crime and Disorder
For events directly organised by the Village Hall Committee sufficient committee members plus Personal Licence Holders are likely to be on the premises in attendance to prevent any anti-social behaviour or deal with any incident tat may arise at our events. Where the hall has been hired the responsible person will have been notified in writing of their responsibilities.
In the event of professional outside parties using the premises to sell alcohol we will expect that their Designated Premises Supervisor to have made similar arrangements in conjunction with our own Designated Premises Supervisor.
No “happy hour” or similar such promotions will be allowed at any time.
In the event of any incident occurring on or around the premises that is directly linked to the event being held a report will be made and kept on record.
No person in possession of a drink in a sealed or unsealed container shall be allowed to enter the premises except for the purpose of delivery.
Public Safety
Public safety is upper most in the minds of the Village Hall committee.
Numbers are limited under our present premises licence as follows;
Hall with stage: Type of entertainment Dancing Closely seated Total
Music & dancing 123 123
Musical concerts 205 205
Stage pays 205 205
Indoor Sports Max 205
Hall without stage: Type of entertainment Dancing Closely seated Total
Music & dancing 138 138
Musical concerts 220 220
Indoor sports Max 220
The fire alarm, emergency lighting and fire extinguishers to be regularly maintained.
All electrical equipment to be regularly checked and certified.
Drinking water to be freely available on the premises.
Staff on site to be familiar with the building, emergency exits, fire extinguisher positioning. In addition they are aware of their duties in the case of an evacuation. This policy will be addressed at every Annual General Meeting to ensure both new and existing members of the village hall committee are aware of their duties and limitations.
Smoking is not allowed in the main hall.
Prevention of Public Nuisance
All committee members are to be aware of the need to ensure that no public nuisance occurs within or outside the premises both during and at the end of events.
Committee members will be available and vigilant during and at the end of events. When the hall is hired out the responsible person will have been made aware of this need in writing.
Where and when necessary the public will be reminded of the need for courtesy must to be shown.
Protection of Children from Harm
Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall is a charity and shares certain parts of the complex with the Ingham Primary School. In view of this situation no alcohol will be sold during school hours.
Guidance will be proved in relation to the suggested age of children for village hall functions.
There shall be in place for the premises a written policy to prevent the sale or supply of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age. That policy shall require any person who appears to be under the age of 18 years to produce one of the following forms of identification:
A recognised proof of age card accredited under the British Retail Consortiums Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS)
Photo driving licence.
Citizen card supported by the Home Office
Portman Prove It card
Any other means approved and accredited by Lincoln Police Licensing Office.
All point of sale staff shall undergo training in the above policy with a record kept of the date trained, signed by the member of staff and the trainer.