At the time the order is placed a declaration will be required from the person placing the order that that person is over 18 years of age.
Challenge 25 - if the driver considers the recipient of alcohol appears under 25 recognised photographic identification to be requested before any alcohol is handed over.
Acceptable proof of age shall include identification bearing the customer's photograph, date of birth and integral holographic mark or security measure. Suitable means of identification would include PASS approved proof of age card, photo-card driving licence and passport. No ID no delivery.
Minimum age of 18 for delivery drivers.
Delivery will be refused if the driver believes the alcohol is being purchased on behalf of another person aged under 18 years.
Customers to be reminded that it is a criminal offence for a person under 18 to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol and that it is also an offence to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person aged under 18.
Full name and address details, including postcode, must be given when placing an order.
Alcohol will only be delivered to the person who placed the order and whose name appears on the credit/debit card (if used).
Drivers will not deliver to any person anywhere other than at the residential/business address given when the order was placed.
No irresponsible drink promotions.
Customers will not visit the address to make any purchases.