All events/activities organised to take place under the license will be family focused
An appropriate, professional and competent security and stewarding company will be contracted to supply events with professional, competent and appropriately trained SIA accredited security (where appropriate) and stewards in order to deal with any incidents that may occur as a result of the events/activities taking place. The members of staff will be managed by a Supervisor/Chief Steward who will report directly to the Event Manager/Event Health and Safety Manager. A full briefing of roles and responsibilities will be given to all staff prior to commencing work at the events/activities on the event site.
Contact will be made with Lincolnshire Police to advise of event plans prior to any event taking place in this location, covered by this licence. At least 21 days’ notice to be given. Full event information will also be circulated to the west Lindsey Safety Advisory Group.
A dedicated, competent event health and Safety manager will be appointed at the early planning stages of the events/activities and they will be required to:
assess all sites and proposed activities for suitability
produce suitable and sufficient Event Management Plans (EMPs) in line with the Purple Guide to include, where appropriate:
a. location and site layout plans
b. risk assessments/method statements
c. fire risk assessments
d. security and stewarding plans
e. traffic management plans
f. crowd management plans
g. contingency/emergency plans
be onsite from the start of the set up, during the event and to the close of take down
brief all staff on the event site rules and their roles and prior to them commencing work on site
check all activities that are being carried out are done in line with the EMP and its policies and procedures.
All performers/activity providers will be required to submit RAMS to the event Health and Safety Manager in good time prior to the event taking place in order that these can be assessed and any additional required resources put in place.
All events covered by this licence will be managed and delivered by competent staff.
First Aid provision to a level pre-agreed with East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) will also be in place.
Radios and ear pieces will be supplied to all key event staff (including LFCVP point staff) prior to commencing work on site to ensure efficient means of communication throughout the event.